
Jazoon '08 speaker

I will give a lab at Jazoon '08 about "Agile Testing of Rich UI Swing Applications". Topics covered are Agile Development, types of tests i.e. unit tests and functional/acceptance tests, TestNG, EMMA, Jemmy, FEST, Fit, Ant and TeamCity. It will take place at Wednesday, 2008-06-25, 11:00 - 12:50 in Arena 7. Please expect some recent tech rocket science stuff there .. I will prepare hands-on material in advance that you can download to start directly in that ultra interactive session.


javapapo said...

Hey Mike, will you make the slides available after the event? Or post a video to parleys..etc?

Thanks mate!

Michael Hüttermann said...

Hello Paris,

I will provide the material for download in advance.
